Instruction set
QCPU 2 5-3-(8/16) reference
QCPU 2 | Short | Description | B | Representation | Notes |
0-0000-000 |
sysc | System call interrupt | 2 | acc = imm, call int | interrupt performs link on kernel stack |
0-0000-001 |
ret | Pull from stack and jump | 1 | pcl, pch = *2(sf); sfl, sfh = *2(sf + 2) | takes 4 memory reads, stalls |
0-0000-010 |
msp | Allocate by mutating stack pointer | 3 | sp += amount | restore acc? |
0-0000-011 |
nta | NOT accumulator | 1 | acc = !acc | |
0-0000-100 |
bmr | Barrel shifter modifier: rotate | 1 | ||
0-0000-101 |
bms | Barrel shifter modifier: sign shift | 1 | ||
0-0000-110 |
Reserved | ||||
0-0000-111 |
Reserved | ||||
0-0001-### |
ast | Accumulator store | 1 | acc = reg | zr -> clear acc (clr) |
0-0010-### |
xch | Accumulator exchange with register | 1 | acc = reg/reg = acc | zr -> clear acc? |
0-0011-### |
stg | Accumulator stage for writeback | 1 | acc = reg; …; reg = acc | stg rx, add ry (rx += ry); stg rx, bsl 2 (rx *= 4) |
0-0100-### |
rst | Register store | 1 | reg = acc | zr -> no operation (nop) |
0-0101-### |
inc | Increment register | 1 | reg += 1 | zr -> acc |
0-0110-### |
dec | Decrement regsiter | 1 | reg -= 1 | zr -> acc |
0-0111-### |
neg | Negate register | 1 | reg = -reg | zr -> acc |
0-1000-### |
rsh | Right shift register | 1 | reg >>= 1 | zr -> acc |
0-1001-### |
add | Addition | 1 | acc += reg | zr -> acc add imm (addi) signed |
0-1010-### |
addc | Addition with carry propagation | 1 | acc += reg + 1 if carry | zr -> only carry, carry flag taken 2 instructions before |
0-1011-### |
sub | Subtraction | 1 | acc -= reg | zr -> ? |
0-1100-### |
subb | Subtraction with borrow | 1 | acc -= reg - 1 if !carry | zr -> flood B side, carry flag taken 2 instructions before |
0-1101-### |
ior | Bitwise incl. OR (insert bits) | 1 | acc |= reg | zr -> acc ior imm (iori) |
0-1110-### |
and | Bitwise AND (mask/remove bits) | 1 | acc &= reg | zr -> acc and imm (andi) andi imm is inverted? |
0-1111-### |
xor | Bitwise excl. OR (toggle bits) | 1 | acc ^= reg | zr -> acc xor imm (xori) |
1-0000-### |
bsl | Barrel shift left | 1 | acc <<= amount | zr -> async memory readback reserve (amra) |
1-0001-### |
bsld | Barrel shift left by pointer | 1 | acc <<= reg | zr -> async memory readback reserve (amrb) |
1-0010-### |
bsr | Barrel shift right | 1 | acc >>= amount | zr -> async memory readback reserve (amrc) |
1-0011-### |
bsrd | Barrel shift right by pointer | 1 | acc >>= reg | zr -> async memory readback reserve (amrd) |
1-0100-### |
Reserved | ||||
1-0101-### |
Reserved | ||||
1-0110-### |
Reserved | ||||
1-0111-### |
Reserved | ||||
1-1000-### |
imm | Immediate | 2 | reg = imm | zr -> only acc |
1-1001-### |
brh | Conditionally jump to address | 2 | pc += signed offset on condition | relative jump on condition |
1-1010-#-00 |
jmp | Jump to address (and link) | 3 | pc = imm[; sf = sp; push(pc, sf[-1])] | absolute jump |
1-1010-#-01 |
jmpr | Jump to relative address (and link) | 2 | pc += signed offset[; sf = sp; push(pc, sf[-1])] | relative jump |
1-1010-#-10 |
jmpd | Jump to dynamic address (and link) | 1 | pc = acc[; sf = sp; push(pc, sf[-1])] | absolute jump from accumulator |
1-1010-#-11 |
prf | Prefetch instruction cache | 3 | *(imm [+ acc]) | ? bit unknown |
1-1011-#-## |
amr | Async memory readback register read | 1 | acc = await amr l/h, release amr | load low/high byte of amr into acc |
1-1100-#-## |
mst | Memory store | 3 | *(selector + imm [+ acc]) = acc[-1] | ast rl, [ast ri,] mst, o1, o2 |
1-1101-#-## |
mstw | Memory store word | 3 | *2(selector + imm [+ acc]) = acc[-1], acc[-2] | ast rl, ast rh, [ast ri,] mstw, o1, o2 (ignore lowest bit) |
1-1110-#-## |
mld | Memory load | 3 | acc[1] = *(selector + imm [+ acc]) | [ast ri,] mld, o1, o2, rst rl |
1-1111-#-## |
mldw | Memory load word | 3 | acc[2], acc[1] = *2(selector + imm [+ acc]) | [ast ri,] mldw, o1, o2, rst rl, rst rh (ignore lowest bit) |
Set | Identifier | Size |
acc or zr (zero) | 8 bits | |
Special Purpose | stack-frame/sf (kernel) | 16 bits |
Special Purpose | stack-frame/sf (user) | 16 bits |
Special Purpose | top-of-stack/sp (kernel) | 16 bits |
Special Purpose | top-of-stack/sp (user) | 16 bits |
Async Memory | ma/mah + mal | 16 bits |
Async Memory | mb/mbh + mbl | 16 bits |
Async Memory | mc/mch + mcl | 16 bits |
Async Memory | md/mdh + mdl | 16 bits |
General Purpose | ra | 8 bits |
General Purpose | rb | 8 bits |
General Purpose | rc | 8 bits |
General Purpose | rd | 8 bits |
General Purpose | rx (argument 1, index low byte) | 8 bits |
General Purpose | ry (argument 2, index high byte) | 8 bits |
General Purpose | rz (argument 3) | 8 bits |
Flags | Name | Representation |
000 |
C | if (unsigned) overflow |
001 |
S | if signed |
010 |
Z | if acc == 0 |
011 |
U | if underflow |
100 |
!C | if !(unsigned) overflow |
101 |
!S | if !signed |
110 |
!Z | if acc != 0 |
111 |
!U | if !underflow |
fetch | fetch | decode | decode | execute | writeback |
Fetch 1 | Fetch 2 | Decode 1 | Decode 2 | Execute | Writeback |
rl/rh can be any low/high general-purpose register set
ri can be any general purpose register